Empresa de Serveis del municipi de Manacor S.A. - 971 59 60 01 / departaments i urgències

Water service


The service company of the municipality of Manacor SAM from the seu departament de servei d’aigües manages the urbà de l’agua cycle to the inner core of the municipality of Manacor in which 29,296 inhabitants live (as of January 1, 2013 ).

Supply is the first step in the comprehensive water cycle and consists of capturing the volume of necessary water, potabilizing it and distributing it from various sources for human, domestic, industrial and municipal consumption.

The data of supply during the year 2013, have been of 1971 hm3 of extreme water and a total of 1931 hm3 of water billed to the subscribers who live in the territory of the inner core of the municipality of Manacor.

The supply chain had a total of 100 km, including 2 regulatory deposits and 1 capçalera deposit.

Cleaning and purification

The sanitation includes the integral water cycle, all the processes of collection, transport and treatment to the residual water treatment plant (EDAR) of the residual waters from the inner core of the municipality of Manacor and the town of Son Macià . The service company of the municipality of Manacor SAM is in charge of managing this process from the points of connection between the municipal branches of Clavegueram fins abocament al medi receiver.

The EDAR of the municipality of Manacor has treated approximately 1,241 hm3 during the year 2013.

Comprehensive water cycle

It is connected to the integral water cycle with the set of processes that are donated to the earth and that are connected to each other and have water as an essential component.

From the point of view of urban water management, consider as an integral water cycle those procedures that, as a whole, form part of the drinking water supply service and the sanitation of residual waters .

The water cycle begins with the practice of capturing and purifying water and is complete with the purification of residual waters and their subsequent delivery to the receiving medium.

The municipality of Manacor develops the activity of the integral cycle in the following way:

1) Capture of underground water at different points in the municipality of Manacor.
2) Accumulation and regulation of the extreme water to the capçalera reservoirs.
3) Distribution of the water supply to the habitats from the general xarxa.

In the same way, the water in a pic has been used by the inhabitants,

4) Evacuation of the sanitation water from the habitatges to the general xarxa de Clavegueram.
5) Treatment of the water for sanitation at the Estació Puradora d’Aigües Residuals EDAR.
6) Delivery of the water treated to the WWTP to the receiving environment to continuously donate to the natural cycle of the water.